Author = Abdel Monem, Usama Mohamed
Impacts of Gamma-Irradiated Date Seed (DS) as Dietary Supplement on Productive and Physiological Traits in Growing Rabbits

Volume 56, Issue 5, October 2023, Pages 41-52

Aly Mohamed Eissa; safaa Abdelwahab Abdelwahab; Amal Abdel Aziz Mansour; Usama Mohamed Abdel Monem

Influence of Irradiated Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal as Dietary Supplement on some Serum Biochemical Parameters of Growing Rabbits

Volume 55, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 60-70

Aly Eissa; Safaa AbdElWahab AbdElWahab; Amal Abdel Aziz Mansour; Usama Mohamed Abdel Monem